Foul, a four lettered entropy
Whistling noisily beneath the humdrum of your skin
Foul, a c, o and k away from fuck;
In other words
A “cok” away from fuck!
if that’s what you will
The missing l can serve as your philistine organ.
Foul, an action the world takes
To retard your limbs back to inactivity.
Foul, the finality feeling
when the boss kicks a ramrod up your ass
The torn shoe on the middle of the road..
The glorious false position
When it’s busted that last Wednesday you missed your cousin’s wedding
Not for office but for a date
And that too at a thousand-eyeball-staring-at-you family function!
Foul, so harmonic an irritation
Traveling with you all your life
That it doesn’t appear to be an irritation anymore.
Foul, the acute dismay when you find
The torn ten rupee the bus conductor duped you with
Loss of “Oh I am so smart” ego
So more intense than loss of cash,
Or it can be the other way round too
Who cares?
It’s a give an’ take cycle dude
The victim can be your local electric guy
The mute horror in his face when to his
exasperated “I can repair one transistor sir…not a computer with 160 million of it”-
You quietly say “Try them one by one!"
Foul, the blushing destiny of virgin vaginal lips..
Their redness as green as the wound within your heart;
Medieval apothecaries marauding as state of the art clinics
Foul your best friend’s kidney,
Plugging in that routine unapologetic smile
A defiance, only ignorance can show
Foul cried the local MLA
And the cameraphillic scribes
A media orgy wetting the tragedy white
While you quietly stare
Fouled by a best friend
Marooned in a crowded world
Foul, the inevitable pestilence – each and everywhere
The incredibility of your eyes - a foul
When they shun your ‘mature’ flick as porn
But the French masterpiece you stole from is hailed as art!
Foul, the tacky green interfering sky
Foul, an indolent mood a bovine world tramples by
The angry knocks on heaven’s door
Never realizing
Heaven was within your mind
Foul, the summation of all the ways you lost all your life
Foul, after surrender came the most brutal punch
Foul, another weary day’s food to crunch
And like ever before
The odds keep mounting against us
In this uneven game
After all, Foul..
Just another four lettered word
From the final scorecard
Of a lousy football game.